New Courses Every Year
With every up-coming new year, courses and workshops are planned. The year always includes new material written by Andrew Carter. To date – 2023 – the Rose School has eleven professional certified courses registered with the Complimentary Medical Association.
The course that runs every year is the Professional Crystal Therapy Diploma course. Other courses can be repeated, but some years later, and new courses are introduced.
Workshops are rarely repeated as they are put together for the specific time, and are taken from a huge amount of material that has already been written.
Our Crystal Therapy Courses
Unified Healing
Price per weekend
Venue: The Rose School
3 training weekends.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This forms part of the Higher Dimensional Healing course, and is presented as a teaching pack for qualified students.
It is also taught separately, and is a method of energy healing.
Crystal Energy Release Therapy
Price per weekend
Venue: The Rose School
3 training weekends.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
A hands-on course using crystals, hands and palm-stones using pressure points and laser quarts to release blocks and alleviate pain. Entrance to course requires the student to be capable of doing a crystal balance.
Higher Dimensional Healing
Price per weekend
Venue: The Rose School
7 training weekends.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This is an energy healing course, which incorporates group healings and absent healing. Healing through the aura is an example. It also heals world-wide.
The Point of Stillness
Price for the course
Venue: Zoom Conference
5 training days.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
A spiritual development course, Material is from the book The Point of Stillness. It takes you progressively int many points and higher levels of consciousness. 171 pages of meditations and insight.
Synthesis of Light
Price per day
Venue: The Rose School
14 training days.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This is a healing meditation and spiritual development course working with higher energies of light, crystals, Angels and Masters.
Regressive Rebirth
Price per day
Venue: The Rose School
5 x single days
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This is an altered state therapy that works with past, present and future, represented by three rooms. Crystals are used to help induce a receptive state.
Book a Crystal Therapy Course Today
Book your course with The Rose School today.
Destiny, Crystals and Words
£45 Per Day
Total of four days
Venue: The Rose School
Dates: TBC
This is a course based upon insight and meditation, using 24 words, crystals and cards – a spiritual journey in a fantastic setting.
You will receive the complete work, and a free deck of cards.
Day one is the deposit, then you pay as you go
Healing Through Time and Space
Price per day
Venue: Zoom Conference
10 days training achieving Practitioner level. 5 days training advanced.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This course breaks through into the etheric levels of interconnectivity, where there is no time or distance. This was used extensively during the 2020/2021 lockdowns, to great effect.
Professional Crystal Therapy Diploma Course
Price per weekend
Venue: The Rose School
12 training weekends.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This Course is delivered one weekend per month for 12 months and therefore consists of 24 teaching days. The course is progressive in that each weekend builds upon the last and consists of a combination of meditation, teaching and practical elements. The learning from each weekend will be incorporated into the practicing of a full healing sequence. Each student will receive the required written material during the course of each weekend.
Meditative Healing Empowerment
Price per hour
Venue: Zoom Conference
Approximate length 40-45 hours.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This works with the power of word – not what you need, but what is already inside you. A transformational course, reaching Practitioner level. This is taught one-to-one.
Monadic Healing
Price per day
Venue: Zoom Conference or The Rose School
4-5 days training advanced.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
Based upon The Letters from the Master KH, which forms the basis for a series of alignments. The healing is in three parts, and works with high frequency energies Can be done in person, or through time and space.
Angel Wings of Light
Price per weekend
Venue: The Rose School
3 training weekends.
Tutors: Andrew Carter
Book a Crystal Therapy Course Today
Book your course with The Rose School today.
Online Crystal Therapy Diploma Course
Price Per Month
Venue: Zoom Conference
Date: Begins Thursday 18th April 2024
1 day / month for 12 months
Tutors: Andrew Carter & Lynnette Treadwell-Jones
The contents covered on this course are a replica of the in-person course that can be attended at the Rose School in Warkton. It is suitable for those who live too far away to attend or are unable to attend for the full weekends which that course requires.
Course Contents
The Path to Enlightenment
Venue: Zoom Conference
Details to be announced
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This course is based upon esoteric science and was written in response to the question by the Master R during the Teacher Training course on the Wisdom. Some knowledge is required to attend this course.
Memory Reconfiguration Therapy
Venue: Zoom Conference
Details to be announced
Tutors: Andrew Carter
This is an altered state therapy that uses the energy consciousness of word to transform and replace patterns of thought and emotion.
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Get Your Mobi, South Road, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA1 4XF